Journal Paper


*As of 2023. 12. 25 


29.  Thermal Atomic Layer Etching of Molybdenum Using Sequential Oxidation and Deoxychlorination Reactions 

Taewook Nam, Troy A. Colleran, Jonathan L. Partridge, Andrew S. Cavanagh, and Steven M. George

Chemistry of Materials, 2024, 36, 3, 1449–1458. [Link]

28.  Atomic Layer Deposition of Pt Nanoparticles Using Dimethyl (N, N‑dimethyl-3-butene-1-amine‑N) Platinum and H2 Reactant and Its Application to 2D WS2 Photodetectors

Dain Shin, Inkyu Sohn, Donghyun Kim, Jaehyeok Kim, Taewook Nam, Youngjun Kim, Jusang Park, Tatsuya Nakazawa*, Seung-min Chung*, and Hyungjun Kim*

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 42, 012405 [Link]


27.  Thermal Atomic Layer Etching of Zinc Sulfide Using Sequential Trimethylaluminum and Hydrogen Fluoride Exposures: Evidence for a Conversion Mechanism

Taewook Nam, Jonathan L. Partridge, and Steven M. George

Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35, 6671-6681 [Link]


26.  Growth Mechanism and Electrical Properties of Tungsten Films deposited by Plasma-enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition with Chloride and Metal

Yujin Lee, Seunggi Seo, Taewook Nam, Hyunho Lee, Hwi Yoon, Sangkyu Sun, Il-Kwon Oh,  Sanghun Lee, Jin Hyung Seo, Jang Hyeon Seok, and Hyungjun Kim

Applied Surface Science, Volume 568, 1 December 2021, 150939 [Link]

25. Hydrogen Barrier based on Chemical Trapping using Chemicallymodulated Al2O3 grown by Atomic Layer Deposition for InGaZnO Thin Film Transistor

Yujin Leea,#, Taewook Nama,b,#, Seunggi Seoa, Hwi Yoona, Chong Hwon Leea,d, Hyukjoon Yooa, Hyun Jae Kima, Wonjun Choic, Seongil Imc, Joon Young Yangd, Dong Wook Choid, Choongkeun Yood, Ho-jin Kimd, and Hyungjun Kima,*

#These authors contributed equally. Selected as a Cover.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 17, 20349-20360. [Link]

24. Two-Dimensional MoS2 Charge Injection Memory Transistors Utilizing Hetero-stack SiO2/HfO2  Dielectrics and Oxide Interface Traps 

Livia Janice Widiapradja,1,# Taewook Nam,2,3,# Heesun Bae,Yeonsu Jeong,1 Hye-Jin Jin,1
Yangjin Lee,1 Kwanpyo Kim,1 Sangyoon Lee,2 Hyungjun Kim,*, 2 and Seongil Im*, 1

#These authors contributed equally.

Advanced Electronic Materials, 2021, 2100074 [Link]


23. MoS2 Doping by Atomic Layer Deposition of High-k Dielectrics using Alcohol as Process Oxidants

Whang Je Woo1, Seunggi Seo1, Taewook Nam2, Youngjun Kim1, Donghyun Kim1, Jeong-Gyu Song1, Jun Hyung Lim3, Hyung-Jun Kim3, and Hyungjun Kim1

Applied Surface Science, 541 (2021) 148504 [Link]

22. (Invited Paper) (Selected as a Featured Article) 
Atomic Layer Deposition of a Uniform Thin Film on 2-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”

Taewook Nam, Seunggi Seo, and Hyungjun Kim

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 38, 030803 (2020) [Link]

21. “Comparative Study on Atomic Layer Deposition of HfO2 via Substitution of Ligand Structure with Cyclopentadiene

Sungmin Park,a# Bo-Eun Park,a# Hwi Yoon,a Sanghun Lee,a Taewook Nam,a Taehoon Cheon,b SooHyun Kim,b Hwansung Cheon,c Sangkyun Im,c Taegeun Seongc and Hyungjun Kima*

Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2020), 8, 1344-1352 [Link]

20. (Invited Feature Paper)
“Atomic layer deposition for nonconventional nanomaterials and their applications

Taewook Nam and Hyungjun Kim*

Journal of Materials Research (2020), 35(7) 656-680 [Link] 


19. “Moisture Barrier Properties of Low-temperature ALD Al2O3 using Various Oxidants

Taewook Nama, Haksoo Leeb, Sung Min Chob, Bonggeun Shongc, Han-Bo-Ram Leed*, and Hyungjun Kima*

Ceramics International (2019), 45, 19105–19112 [Link]

18. “Hydrogen Barrier Performance of Lanthanum Oxide Deposited by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering

Yujin Leea, Chong Hwon Leea, Taewook Nama, Sanghun Leea, Il-Kwon Oha, Joon Young Yangb, Dong Wook Choib, Choongkeun Yoob, Ho-jin Kimb, Woo-Hee Kimc,*, and Hyungjun Kima,*

Journal of Material Science (2019) 54: 11145 [Link]

17. Low-temperature, High-growth-rate ALD of SiO2 using Novel Aminodisilane Precursor”

Taewook Nama, Hyunho Leea, Taejin Choia, Seunggi Seoa, Chang Mo Yoona, Yunjung Choib, Heonjong Jeongb, Hima K. Lingamc, Venkateswara R. Chitturic, Andrey Korolevc, Jong-Hyun Ahna, and Hyungjun Kima*

Applied Surface Science, 485 (2019) 381-390. [Link]


16. “Molecular Oxidation of Surface -CH3 During Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 with H2O, H2O2, and O3: A Theoretical Study

Seunggi Seoa, Taewook Nama, Han-Bo-Ram Leeb, Hyungjun Kima, and Bonggeun Shongc

Applied Surface Science, 457 (2018) 376-380 [Link]

15. “High-Performance Ink-Synthesized Cu-Gate Thin-Film Transistor with Diffusion Barrier Formation

Whang Je Woo1, Taewook Nam1, Il‑Kwon Oh1, Wanjoo Maeng2, and Hyungjun Kim1

Metals and Materials International, 24 (2018) 652–656 [Link]

14. “Cobalt Titanium Nitride Amorphous Metal Alloys by Atomic Layer Deposition

Taewook Nama, Chang Wan Leea,b, Taehoon Cheonc, Woo Jae Leed, Soo-Hyun Kime, Se-Hun Kwond, Hyungjun Kima*, and Han-Bo-Ram Leef*

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 737 (2018) 684-692 [Link]

13. “Surface-Localized Sealing of Porous Ultralow-k Dielectric Films with Ultrathin (<2 nm) Polymer Coating

Seong Jun Yoon†⊥, Kwanyong Pak‡⊥Taewook Nam§, Alexander Yoon, Hyungjun Kim§, Sung Gap Im*‡, and Byung Jin Cho*†

ACS Nano, 201711 (8), pp 7841–7847 [Link]

12. “A Composite Layer of Atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 and Graphene for Flexible Moisture Barrier

Taewook Nama, Yong Ju Parka, Haksoo Leeb, Il-Kwon Oha, Jong-Hyun Ahna, Sung Min Chob, Hyungjun Kima,*, and Han-Bo-Ram Leec,*

Carbon, 116 (2017) 553-561 [Link]

11. “Effects of TaN Diffusion Barrier on Cu-Gate ZnO:N Thin-film Transistors

Whang Je Woo, Taewook Nam, Hanearl Jung, Il-Kwon Oh, Jeong-Gyu Song, Han-Bo-Ram Lee,
Wanjoo Maeng, and Hyungjun Kim


10. “High‐performance Alternating Current Electroluminescent Layers Solution Blended with Mechanically and Electrically Robust Nonradiating Polymers

Seong Soon Jo,1 Sung Hwan Cho,1 Hae Jin Kim,2 Taewook Nam,3 Ihn Hwang,1
Seok-Heon Jung,4 Richard Hahnkee Kim,1 Dhinesh Babu Velusamy,1 Ju Han Lee,1
Taejoon Park,1 Jin Kyun Lee,4 Dae-Eun Kim,2 Hyungsuk Lee,2 Hyungjun Kim,3 Cheolmin Park1


9. “Growth Characteristics and Properties of Indium Oxide and Indium-doped Zinc Oxide by Atomic Layer Deposition

Donghyun Kim a, Taewook Nam a, Jusang Park a, Julien Gatineau b, Hyungjun Kim a,⁎

Thin Solid Films 587 (2015) 83–87 [Link]

8. “Growth Characteristics and Properties of Ga-doped ZnO (GZO) Thin Films Grown by Thermal and Plasma-enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition

Taewook Nama, Chang Wan Leea,b, Hyun Jae Kima, Hyungjun Kima,∗

Applied Surface Science 295 (2014) 260–265 [Link]

7. “Graphene as an Atomically Thin Barrier to Cu Diffusion into Si

Juree Hong,a Sanggeun Lee,a Seulah Lee,a Heetak Han,a Chandreswar Mahata,a Han-Wool Yeon,b Bonwoong Koo,c Seong-Il Kim,c Taewook Nam,d Kisik Byun,e Byung-Wook Min,e Young-Woon Kim,c Hyungjun Kim,d Young-Chang Joob and Taeyoon Lee*a

Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 7503–7511 [Link]

6. “Direct Imprinting of MoS2 Flakes on a Patterned Gate for Nanosheet Transistors

Kyunghee Choi,a Young Tack Lee,a Sung-Wook Min,a Hee Sung Lee,a Taewook Nam,b Hyungjun Kimb and Seongil Im*a

Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, 1, 7803 [Link]

5. “Nanosheet Thickness-modulated MoS2 Dielectric Property Evidenced by Field-effect Transistor Performance

Sung-Wook Min,a Hee Sung Lee,a Hyoung Joon Choi,a Min Kyu Park,b Taewook Nam,c Hyungjun Kim,c Sunmin Ryub and Seongil Im*a

Nanoscale 2013, 5, 548-551 [Link]

4. “MoS2 Nanosheet Phototransistors with Thickness-Modulated Optical Energy Gap

Hee Sung Lee, Sung-Wook Min, Youn-Gyung Chang, Min Kyu ParkTaewook Nam§, Hyungjun Kim§, Jae Hoon Kim, Sunmin Ryu, and Seongil Im*†

Nano Letters, 2012, 12 (7), pp 3695–3700 [Link]

3. “Low-temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2, Al2O3, and ZnO Thin Films

Taewook Nam, Jae-Min Kim, Min-Kyu Kim, Woo-Hee Kim, Hyungjun Kim

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 59, No. 2, August 2011, pp. 452-457 [Link]

2. The Effects of Ultraviolet Exposure on the Device Characteristics of Atomic Layer Deposited-ZnO:N Thin Film Transistors”

Jae-Min Kim,a S. J. Lim,b Taewook Nam,a Doyoung Kim,a and Hyungjun Kima,*,z

Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 158 (5) J150-J154 (2011) [Link]

1. “Atomic Layer Deposition ZnO:N Flexible Thin Film Transistors and the Effects of Bending on Device Properties

Jae-Min Kim1, Taewook Nam1, S. J. Lim2, Y. G. Seol3, N.-E. Lee3, Doyoung Kim1, and Hyungjun Kim1, a)

Applied Physics Letters 98, 142113 (2011) [Link]